Things You Should Never do

12 Things You Should NEVER Do!

Car care tips are important but we sometimes are not familiar with the do’s and dont’s of our automobiles, have no fear, maybe the following can help!

1. If you own a carbureted engine; never allow your car to idle too long in the morning.

2. Never drive your car without a gas cap. Dirt will enter the fuel tank and end up in the fuel system.

3. Never drive your car with low tire pressure. This will shorten the life of the tire and rob you of fuel mileage.

4. Never allow your engine to become excessively dirty from leaking oil. It can cause major problems such as engine overheating, frayed wires, and softened water hoses. It will also shorten the life of the spark plug and electrical wires. A clean engine is a happy engine.

5. Never use a lower grade of fuel than what is recommended by the manufacturer. This can cause harm to the engine.

6. Never allow the timing belt to go beyond the recommended mileage, as it may cause sever engine damage if it breaks while you’re driving.

7. Never let your engine oil go beyond the recommended changing date.

8. Never add water alone without anti-freeze to your cooling system, especially during winter months in cold areas. Water will freeze and water alone does not cool as well as it does with anti-freeze.

9. Never let your engine oil level drop below the “add” mark. The engine requires the full amount of oil to function properly.

10. Never allow your car to go more than a week without doing your weekly checks.

11. Never let major leaks go for a long period of time. Have them repaired ASAP.

12. Never let noises go too long with having them checked. Be safe and Happy Motoring.

Hopefully these car care tips will save you time, money and more than a few headaches. Now here are some Car Care Tips you should ALWAYS do!


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