1st Annual Women with Wheels Car Show

July 20, 2014 was the 1st Annaul Women with Wheels Car Show held in Reno, Nevada at Vonz Hot Rod Bar and Grill and Hosted by Teresasgarage.com. Several cars showed up excited to participate in the show and shine. Everyone truly enjoyed the show and new friends were made because of it. One vehicle suffered a small set back, but Teresa from Teresasgarage was able to repair the problem. Her overalls and tools are never to far from her side.

The awards were given out and everyone stayed until the very end. Many spectators from the shopping center were intreged to see what all the laughter was, so they to joined in on the fun. This is just the beginning of other car shows to come. Raffle prizes almost out numbered the purchased raffle tickets and everyone there went home with some really great prizes. The two most popular were the Detail Kit sponsored by Adams Polishes and the Wash Kit sponsored by O’Reilly Auto Parts of Lemmon Valley. Some participants went home with quite a handle full of prizes.

Brooke Santina www.brookesantina.com/ was in attendance signing her book Dishrags To Dirtbags which was a big attraction besides the cool cars. Vonz Hot Rod Bar and Grill was buzzing with patrions, spectators and participants. What a great time had by all. Enjoy the photos taken by James Skuba and besure to check back for our next Show and Shine for Women coming up right after Hot August Nights. If your in the area during Hot August Nights, besure to stop by and see the Willys Knight on display at the Peppermill Monday July 28th & 29th. She loves visitors. Please give thanks to the sponsors who helped make this all possible by supplying all of the raffle prizes. Enjoy.

Raffle Prize Sponsors:

Atlantis Hotel and Casino


O’Reilly Auto Parts

Adams Polishes

Vonz Hot Rod Bar and Grill


Tires Plus South Reno

Brooke Santina (Keast)

James Skuba (Photographer)


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