Hot August Nights Has Come And Gone For Another Year.

30629-HAN-Web-Graphics---Various-02(1)Hot August Nights has come and gone for another year. The cars and owners were revved up and excited to reunite with friends they met in the previous years and to spend time with new ones. If you have never been to Hot August Nights (HAN), I feel you are really missing out on some great cars and events.

Did you ever cruise in High School? Well, during HAN, you can cruise until your heart is content. Every night there is cruising, dancing, and showing off your car. So what if you do not own a classic car? Then there are still things for you to do: dancing, swap meets, car shows, meeting new people, concerts, looking at great cars, fireworks, the Big Boy Toy S tore, meeting the ladies from All Girls Garage S how (first time this year), checking out a company who takes 2005-20013 Corvettes and makes them look like a 1963 or 1967 Corvette , and so much more. You could even sit and watch the Barrett-Jackson Auction, which was broadcast live from Reno/Tahoe. There were over 250 cars up for auction and every one of them sold. If you’re looking for a classic, this is the place. Some on display were for sale; others were just for spectators to drool over.IMG_2224

Hot August Nights arrives each year the first week in August. The total number of cars that can register is 6,000. The event allows classic cars from 1976 and older to participate. You would be amazed how much money goes into some of these beauties, and then again, many are just like every day drivers.

My husband and I participate in HAN , and have since the inception in 1986. Although we have not been married that long, we did meet in a car club we both belonged to over 24 years ago.

This event has grown from some 50 cars in 1986 to the 6,000 participating today. No one knew how big this car show would grow, but because of how Reno and Sparks, Nevada are laid out, it makes for a perfect place to hold it.

Every Casino in town hosts their own personal car show with prizes , and this year, Virginia City, NV was added to the lineup of locations , starting on the Saturday before.

Virginia City Joined HAN this year

Virginia City Joined HAN this year


The entire Virginia City downtown area was closed off and all of the Classic rides filled the streets and so did the spectators. I hear it will be back next year, which in fact , will be the 30th anniversary of HAN.

So why do car enthusiasts such as myself love Hot August Nights , or any other car show for that matter? Good question. I have been a Car Chick since I was old enough to crawl. I preferred tools to toys. As I grew older, I took care of every type of transportation I owned; first my trike, then my bicycle, and at the age of sixteen, my first car.

My dad was a car guy, but never a mechanic. He kept every car he ever owned looking like new and I took Three classic carsafter him in that respect. So attending and participating in HAN is like living the past all over again. Not to mention I love checking out all the great cars. The swap meet is my second best thing at HAN. You just never know what you will find there.

When Hot August Nights first started up in Reno, I was in heaven. I shined up my 1963 Chevy Impala, signed up for the event , and well, the rest is history. I was a cruiser in High School, so this was right up my alley.

Meeting other car enthusiasts during the event is really a great feeling. You share stories, make new friends and meet great people who do not own classics, but love them just the same. There is something for everyone here.

I’ve put together a video with photos and live action footage of what you can expect to find at Hot August Nights. Hope you enjoyed it!

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