Who Are The Sisters On The Fly?

Who Are The Sisters On The Fly?



Lynn Cutler

Photo by Teresa Aquila Tee702@aol.com

Teresa is a top-notch mechanic with more than 41 years of experience repairing everything from Porsches to school buses. Currently she teaches a basic auto-repair class for women, radio show host and public speaker.

Every August in Reno, Nevada, there is a car show that takes over two cities – the event Hot August Nights. You will find just about every classic make and model from the early 1900s up to 1976 vehicles. Being a mechanic, a classic car enthusiast and classic car owner, I am always on the hunt for something new that will intrigue me.

This year Hot August Nights added an addition that included classic trailers to their list of things to see during the show. Not just because they were classics, but because it was a new addition to the car show, I knew this was one event I had to make time for. I headed over to a local area park, Rancho San Rafael, to feast my eyes on trailers from the 50s and 60s.

As I began my tour, going from one trailer to the next, I found the trailers interesting because each owner actually uses these wellrestored beauties. My second stop was a trailer that was a two-story and another one that looked like the trailer Lucy and Ricky Ricardo towed in the old movie, “The Long Long Trailer.” While scoping out my next stop, I noticed three ladies dressed in poodle skirts, so I asked if I could snap a photo of them for my Facebook page. The ladies were very obliging and we struck up a conversation.

This is where a friendship began with this group of ladies, and come to find out they belong to a group of ladies I have wanted to meet, The article about this group and wanted Sisters on the Fly. I recently read an to learn more.

Sisters on the Fly is the largest women’s organization in the United States with a focus on outdoor recreation. They have one rule that they live by – the rule is “No men, no, kids, be nice and have fun.” So leave it all behind in your rearview mirror.

The Sisters on the Fly organization began in 1999 with more than 4,800 active members; currently, membership is 10,000, and growing daily. Some of the benefits and beauty of Sisters on the Fly are friendships, mutual support among members, and being together in the great outdoors. Camping, travel adventures, philanthropic endeavors, outdoor activities and social events together of SOTF. This membership-based as women are at the heart and soul community supports women in their journey to get up, get out, become more adventurous and have a more fulfilling life in the company of other like-minded friends.

Speaking to these three ladies during Hot August Nights, I enjoyed the enthusiasm they held for this group and all that it offers. To join is simple, go to www.sistersonthefly.com/ top of the page. There is a yearly fee and click on the join tab at the very of $70. Joining gives members access to the large Members Directory database, to the well-organized group events and activities planned throughout the year, and the ability to sign up and join the adventures all over the US (and in Canada!) and even create and host new ones.

Any woman 21 years or older can join. A Sister on the Fly does not need to own a trailer, does not need to know how to fish, have any special or particular skills, or know anyone else in the group to be included in the organization’s adventures. She should just be ready to be in the company of women doing things, going places and making things happen!

If you are female and at least 21 years of age, they are worth the look. Who knows, there just might be a new journey waiting for you. Happy Motoring.

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