Carlynn Eberhart, Follows Her Father’s Passion

Carlynn Eberhart, Follows Her Father’s Passion

As children we are most often influenced by our parents or those who raise us. The adults we become are based on what we learned as a child. In this case, the love her father had for repairing cars took the heart of Carlynn Eberhart at an early age.

Carlynn Ebrhart

Carlynn Eberhart

In her younger years, she remembers sitting in the garage with her father, watching his every move while he repaired the various cars they had over the years. As Carlynn grew up, it was very apparent that following in her father’s footsteps was at the top of her priority list. Going off to college and taking automotive classes, Carlynn mastered being a Transmission Specialist.

Her younger brother was also bitten by the bug and he too took automotive classes. It was during their school years that Carlynn began to work on her own vehicle, a first generation 1970 Chevrolet Camaro. She purchased the Camaro in 1981 and soon began rebuilding the engine and transmission, and installing a Holley Carburetor, headers, and also cleaning up the interior. The red paint is beautiful, and no matter where you stand to look at it, it shines back at you.

This was not to be a show car, but instead, an everyday “driver.” After college graduation, Carlynn found herself working in the transmission field and it would be there she would meet her husband. He too was a transmission technician, so I guess you could say their relationship shifted gears from co-workers, to dating, and eventually marriage.

I met Carlynn recently while attending and participating in the annual car show, Summer Salute, which benefits the local Reno area Veteran’s Guest Houseresized, and Honor Flight Nevada. She and her husband were admiring my 1927 Willys Knight when we started up a friendly conversation. That’s when her husband offered that Carlynn not only owns a classic car, she built it herself.

Since I am always on the hunt for Women with Wheels this sparked my interest and I wanted to dig deeper into her story. We sat and chatted about her childhood memories where she enjoyed watching her father turning wrenches and the love he had for it all.

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1970 Camaro


Carlynn’s 1970 Camaro is a driver and a show car – the paint is beautiful and so is the interior. She points out flaws in the vehicle’s restoration, but as a car owner, you are so much more critical at these times than those who are looking it over. Yes, there have been a few onlookers who ask those questions – it doesn’t have the bigger motor, or it is only a two barrel, etc. But this is not their vehicle, it is Carlynn’s – it has more than just an owner, it has an owner with passion, love and the legacy of her childhood memories.

So, if yoIMG_2713[1]u check out someone’s classic car, just because it is not up to your standards, doesn’t mean there isn’t a love story behind it. You won’t know until you ask. Don’t be a critic, be an admirer. As for Carlynn Eberhart, she truly is a Women with Wheels. Carlynn Lives in Reno, Nevada.



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