Teresa’s Garage Radio Show Is Expanding
Exciting News
Teresa’s Garage Radio Show has expanded. The show will now be heard on Pulling Radio Network, 5 days a week, Monday through Friday at 3 PM Eastern Time.
Pulling Radio Network is mainly focused on Tracker pulling and Radio shows which feature Tracker news and interviews, but it too is expanding its network Radio base. Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is starting off 2017 going forward and looking to expand with more live remotes, more interviews and finding new avenues in order to reach women and men, who are looking for a fun filled hour of automotive talk.
Teresa Aquila, owner of Teresa’s Garage, has added a new Co-host to the show, Staci Segura, race car driver and now co-host, from Missouri, will be pounding the race track and car show pavement looking for potential guests and inspirational stories from everyday women with the passion for their automobile.
If you search deep, you can find people who have amazing stories if you just reach out and listen. Teresa’s Garage Radio Show’s first co-host Jeanette DesJardins, President and founder of www.carchix.com, brought racing knowledge to the show in 2016, but needed to take a step back from the microphone because her business is also expanding which has turned her focus to Carchix.
Teresa Aquila and Jeanette DesJardins over the past year have become good friends and are teamed up to cross promote not only their shows, but other women in Motorsports across the world. Jeanette then posted to all of the CarChix Calendar Girls that she was stepping away from the show and that there was an opportunity for a new co-host on Teresa’s Garage Radio Show.
Staci Segura, a 2016 CarChix Calendar Girl stepped up to the opportunity and has been on the show now for a few weeks proving her on air presence is a great mix with host Teresa Aquila.
The show constantly is searching for women who have a great story offering the love for racing, Motorsports, spectator or just the passion for your car, then let us hear from you. You can contact the show’s host Teresa Aquila at teresasgarage@gmail.com or co-host ssegura@teresasgarage.com for consideration.
Join us live every Tuesday 2 PM Pacific on 1180 AM KCKQ a production of America Matters Media, or by going to Pulling Radio Network Monday-Friday 3 PM Pacific time to hear the original show on Encore by going to www.pullingradionetwork.com/shows.html.
Bringing Advice To Women With Wheels. Happy Motoring.