Nissan Helps Make The Putt Every Time

When you hear the name Nissan, you quickly think of automobiles. But did you know that Nissan is also known for its technology? Nissan’s ProPILOT 2.0, the driver assistance technology, is about to debut in September, allowing golfers to put their putting nerves aside.

The ProPILOT 2.0 was designed to work with the vehicle’s navigation system. The ProPILOT golf ball can now assist golfers to sink a putt every time, helping even novice golfers to perform like the pros.

ProPILOT golf ball is guided by an overhead camera, detecting the position of the ball and cup. The ball’s monitoring system calculates the best route based on the direction of the ball, and adjusts its direction to help make a perfect putt. Golf will never be the same. Happy Motoring

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