American Graffiti Car Show

Here are photos of the American Graffiti Car Show and members of had a wonderful time with all. Over 450 cars participated in the show, Cars and actors from the movie present, music, great cars and CRUZIN. What a great time. The weather was perfect. Being from Petaluma and graduating High School during the time this  movie was made was like stepping back in time. I ran into old friends, met up with some High School friends and we even went Cruzin down the same path as we did in High School. That brought back memories and of course many old stories. It was great to step back in time if only for 2 days. We met some new friends and checked out some great cars. The Petaluma river runs through town giving it a great old home town feeling. The American Graffiti Car Show is a must for anyone. There was a Friday night kick off mini show and cruz at the Petaluma Plaza North, I ran into a woman who still has her first car, as do I, so we sat and chatted for awhile. I will be featuring her in a story soon.

Members of Teresasgarage handed out windy wiper stickers to the kids and they loved it. Candy Clark was there giving autographs and talking about the movie. Nothing like a small car show to meet great people and see awesome cars.

Check out these links for some great memories:




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