Thinking Pinky


Pinky receiving her award

As I walked through the Streets of Petaluma, Calif. for the annual American Graffiti Car Show, in the distance I noticed the bright pink and white Studebaker parked near the intersection where in the movie Milner and Carol flatten the tires on the Cadillac while waiting for the light to change. Since Pinky peaked my interest for all things girly, I walked over to check out the car and to see if I could find out what exactly she was representing.

Pinky is what she calls herself at car shows, but in reality she is Anita Migliore, a Recycle Manager for the San Francisco garbage company. Why everything Pink, well back in 1997 while in Reno, Nevada for Hot August Nights, she came across a 1958 Studebaker Provincial wagon and it was a light pink in color. Her vision was instant as to what she could do with this car and everything girly for car shows. Once I heard the why, I was taken by it because that is what is all about, Helping women to see that cars are not just for boys. Pinky fell in love with American Graffiti and Happy Days when she was younger and wanted to represent what fun and pink was all about and she does just that. The name Pinky came from the charactor Pinky Tuscadaro in Happy Days.

After buying the car, Pinky joined the Studebaker club, the Sequoia Chapter, so she could find out more information on the car and to help locate parts. It took her a few years to get the car just the right color and accessories, then after 10 years it was time to show off the car and her new car look, “Pinky”. Working at a Custom Shop was a great asset during that time as well.

She attended the Studebaker International Meet in Sacramento and people went crazy. Pinky was attending some 20 car shows a year, but has toned it down some to 10. I asked Pinky what she wanted people to know about what it was she was selling. I thought maybe she was promoting Pinky’s Pizza in Petaluma, but she informed me, no, but she did see one time when they did use her photo for a promotion once without her permission, so she went to the establishment to ask since they used the photo of her as Pinky without getting written approval, could she have at least a slice of Pizza? They turned her down flat. Pinky laughs about it know and it is a cute story to hear.

So check out her website There was no question that should award her the Best Female Touch dash plaque. Check out all the photos.

Who said men don't like Pink

Who said men don’t like Pink

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