Basic Auto For Women Seminar

Women with cars 001Have you ever had the desire to become more knowledgable about your automobile, then this Basic Auto for Women Seminar is a must? Do you want to feel more secure when taking your car in for repair? What is that Pesty Check Engine Light? How Do I check my fluids and more, then this class is for you. Teresa Aquila from Teresa’s Garage will be hosting a 3 to 4 hour seminar on just how to master these questions and come out feeling in control.

This course is designed for people who really don’t know anything about their car except how to drive it and how to fill up the tank. This class will offer students instruction in the basics of simple automotive services such as changing a flat tire, and checking the oil, understanding maintenance schedules, preventive maintenance and repair, along with the terminology, proper use of tools, and procedures required to perform these tasks. This class will empower the students to not only be able to perform simple tasks themselves, but it will help them to have confidence if they take their car into the shop to have someone else work on it.

Opening your hood should not feel like going down into the tunnel of darkness. There really isn’t anything under your hood that should scare you. Simple things like keeping your battery clean, steam cleaning your engine, checking your anti freeze, oil and transmission will no longer be a chore, but a way of saving you hard earned cash.

On May 16, 2015, Teresa’s Garage Seminar, held at the Reno Town Mall, in Reno, Nevada is the place to be. Sign up now by emailing to reserve your seat. You won’t be disappointed and there will be door prizes, so everyone should go home with more than they arrived with.

The class will be filmed and hosted on Teresa’s Garage website. I will then also choose a student or students to be my special guest on Teresa’s Garage Radio Show and discuss with the listeners what you obtained from this Seminar and answer any questions from callers who call into the show. Save the date and sign up now!

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