What To Check On Your Vehicle Before Planning Any Trip

What To Check On Your Vehicle Before Planning Any Trip

Whether you plan on visiting your local campground or simply want to do a pilgrimage on Route 66, your vehicle needs to be up to snuff. Imagine what would happen if it wasn’t. Imagine yourself stuck by the side of a deserted road, trying to flag down cars that will likely never come by. Imagine the stress, the loneliness, the agony. And it never fails, you think you have help right at your finger tips by using your cell phone, well, what if there was not cell service available or your battery died?

You have to take matters into your own hands. If you’re planning on taking a road trip, make sure you provide your car with some basic maintenance. A top-notch horn might be more useful than you think.

What To Check

Let’s start by listing the parts on your car that you should check to be certain that the vehicle is in perfect working order. Notice that, while you may be able to verify some of them on your own, for the most part, you’ll have to rely on a competent mechanic.


In a way, cars were modeled after living organisms. Consequently, a car has as much bodily fluids as a human. You must make sure that there’s always enough juice in every domain so that the car can function flawlessly. Be aware that the first three items on the following list also have filters that will need to be examined.oil pouring 1

Engine oil
Transmission fluid
Radiator coolant
Brake fluid
Windshield washer fluid
Power steering fluid

Hoses & beltsbelts-hoses

These are like the blood arteries of the human body; they connect the entire system. If there’s a loose connection, you might find yourself hitchhiking before you know it. Make sure all hoses and belts are tightly secured.


Your tires are what tie your car to the road. At any given time, your vehicle is touching the pavement only through a few square inches of rubber. Therefore, it’s important that your treads are deep enough to ensure adequate traction.
You should also check your tire pressure. The number on the tire’s side is the maximum pressure it can withstand, not the recommended amount. Your tires should be a little less inflated in winter, and closer to their maximum in summer.

Tire PressureNever inflate your tires too much as it could provoke a blowout. And don’t forget that paramount spare tire, just in case. Nothing more embarrassing than having your spare just as flat as the one you are removing.

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